Friday, June 01, 2007

The Editor

The Editor in a movie is crucial, as much as the director and cinematographer. My challenge was to be able to find a great editor that had read Dante's Inferno and Dante's whole masterpiece, The Divine Comedy. My understanding is that the largest number of editors do not have the time to read. So, I was facing a big dilemma. As on everything that happens in this project, God is totally behind. I talked to a few great editors until I run into Thom Noble, whom I was referred to as a well read editor. We had a great conversation from the start and both were excited to look into working together. He had read The Divine Comedy and I was excited to say the least, I had found my man. Mr. Noble won an Oscar for the feature film Witness and was also the editor on the widely successful fimls Thelma and Louise, Mask of Zorro and many other great movies. I could not get a better choice to edit Dante's Inferno and its sequels!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

6:18 PM  

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