Tuesday, July 22, 2008

3D Cinematographer

It has been quite a while since I've been watching carefully who may be the best cinematographer to film The Divine Comedy trilogy - Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso in 3D and digitally. Well, I'm very happy to announce that the search is over. After assisting at a NAB introduction to Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D, I approached cinematographer Chuck Schuman, who immediately said to me that he had read The Divine Comedy earlier in his life. We got hooked! After a few conversations over the phone, Mr. Schuman and I got together in Los Angeles along with director Armand Mastroianni. We decided on the spot that he was the right cinematographer for The Divine Comedy trilogy, not only for his great skills but also because of his great personality and team player approach.

So, I welcome Chuck Schuman to the real Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D, and beyond.

PS: It was not Jules Verne who first wrote Journey to the Center of the Earth, but Dante Alighieri over 600 years earlier. Furthermore, Dante's journey is the only one that really made it to the Center of the Earth, while Jules Verne never made it all the way.


Blogger inkwell said...

I am very much interested in your project, especially as I have just finished a class on the subject of Dante's inferno. I am currently working on my masters degree in Enlgish at the Unieversity of Illinois Springfield in Springfield, Illinois. I am wondering if this project is still in the making? I can only assume that you have had many experts invovled in the making of this project or will have, but I just wanted you to know that I think it is a neat project and that I hope it is still on. Also, if you need any editing help in the area of writing for this project, I would love to be of help!
Shelly Chabak

9:07 AM  

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